Diagram of Geometric Changes
When you need a Geometric Variation Chart
In case of disagreement with the geometric data described in the first entries of the National Cadastre, a Geometric Change Chart should be prepared.
Uploading of the digital Topographical Chart in the National Cadastre application according to the newest specifications with the Approved Digital Signature.
Specifically if:
- You find differences in the actual dimensions on the ground or in an actual dimension of your property compared to the one shown on the cadastral diagram,
- or if there is a difference in area,
- or if there is a difference in location or shape,
- or if the property is to be subdivided,
- or if there is to be any other geometric change to the property
Drawing up a Geometric Change Diagram
It is necessary to draw up a geometric change diagram in accordance with the specifications of the National Cadastre:
- The boundaries of the land parcel to which the request for correction of errors relates and of the adjacent land parcels based on the coordinates of the cadastral diagram.
- The new boundaries of the land parcel concerned by the request for correction of errors as recorded by the Surveyor and indicated by the owner and the neighbouring owners. (Existing vertices are depicted on the surveyor’s diagram with the nomenclature of the cadastral diagram and the new vertices are named by continuing the numbering).
- The points of intersection of the perimeter of the land parcel with the sides of the adjacent ones and the directions of these as depicted in the countryside at a distance of up to 20 m for rural areas or 4-5 m for urban areas, so that the direction of the boundary is clear.
- The boundaries of adjacent plots of land based on the coordinates of their vertices as given by the cadastral diagram and as formed by the vertices – sides that change, so that the final – total properties are shown.
- Table of coordinates of the new land parcel vertices in the EAGS87 system. The lengths of the sides of the new parcel.
- The buildings and permanent structures as recorded by the Engineer.
- Indication of the CACs on the properties depicted.
- A table of the original areas of the parcel of land to which the application relates and its adjoining parcels as given on the cadastral diagram and the final areas of the parcels as obtained after the changes.
- It is advisable for the Surveyor to check and indicate on the topographical diagram whether the discrepancy between the area indicated in the title and the area resulting from the update of the diagram falls within the tolerances specified in the technical specifications of the N.C.
- A signed statement on the topographical plan of the applicant for the correction and of the affected owners that they have taken note of and agree with the changes shown on the plan, with the new boundaries between them, the new dimensions and the new areas of their properties, as recorded in the spatial database of the National Cadastre.
- Signature and stamp of the drafting Surveyor.
However, it should be noted that in all cases where a topographical map is drawn up, which will be attached to a deed involving a geometric change and a copy of which will be submitted with the application for registration at the Land Registry, it is useful to follow the above technical rules in order to facilitate the process of evaluating the technical data in accordance with the specifications of the National Cadastre.
Supporting documents
Necessary documents for the application – correction of geometric data are:
- Diagram with coordinates updated (based on the Cadastral Chart) by an engineer, i.e.: a survey of the property with coordinates in EΓSA ’87
- The original Cadastral Diagram, as well as a photocopy of it (you will receive the Cadastral Diagram from the competent Cadastral Office after completing the application for the issue of a cadastral diagram).
- A topographic copy of the title deed in duplicate.
- Copy of the title deed and its registration certificate in duplicate.
- Application completed by owners and signed by all of them with authentication of signature in duplicate (if the adjacent owners affected agree to sign the application and authenticate the signature).
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It would be good to have someone together who knows the boundaries of ownership. It will be useful to have old topographic diagrams and anything related to the property with you (contracts, building permit plans, expropriation plans, characterization deeds, cadastral diagrams, etc.). In case it is a large area, wear comfortable clothes and shoes because we will need to walk on its contour to find its limits.